“For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace.”
What does it mean to “fight the good fight of faith”? In 1 Timothy 6, Paul instructs his student to pursue righteousness and run from sin. He warns about falling into the world’s pitfalls and guides him on what to seek instead. When we turn towards godliness, “The Lord directs our steps.” (Proverbs 20:24) Sometimes we may think God is denying us of things we need, but Paul tells us that God “richly supplies us with all things to enjoy” (1 Timothy 6:17). Only through Him can we “take hold of that which is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19). Whatever you could obtain in this world will never provide the fulfillment of living righteously. Pursuing righteousness can be especially challenging when your heart is heavy, and your faith is wavering. But don’t lose sight of your heavenly prize! The Holy Spirit will help you run toward Him when your strength is gone and help you to endure when things appear impossible.So spend time with Jesus today, dear one! And remember, He is right there, ready to come to your aid.
Jesus, help me seek Your truth when I’m uncertain of my future. I know that Your will for me is better than what I think is best. You know my heart and always richly bless me with more than anything this world offers. I love you, Jesus. Amen.
This devotional is based on a James Kaddis' sermon.