Our audio series recaptures the Book of Proverbs with simplistic and poetic language.
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”
The Book of Proverbs, written mainly by King Solomon, is one of the most-read books of the Bible. Why? They compile many simple instructions for living righteously and focus on presenting clear illustrations, whereas other books of the Bible may be more challenging to understand.
Here’s the backstory: Solomon was the son of King David and Bathsheba. David had Bathsheba’s husband killed to cover up his infidelity with her, knowing she was pregnant. Although Solomon’s life was born from sin, and he committed many sins, God still used him in powerful ways.
Our new audio experience, “God’s Wisdom: 31 Days of Proverbs”, provides a perspective and paraphrase of this book of the Bible. It recaptures it in more common and poetic words. It strives to help you hear the living Word of God that engages you regardless of where you are in your faith journey. The narrator integrates the spirit of the original book’s manuscripts and emphasizes the rhythm of the verses.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and your blessings will be unending. Only by him can this chaotic and unkempt dusty road be made in newness - paved in gold! Are you seeing what I am seeing, my son? Open up your eyes. Those that see themselves as great, are destined and doomed to die. Do not be wise in your own sight; do not trust in your own might.”
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