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Inspiring Good Friday Prayers and Blessings

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As Christians, we should try to live each and every day with a disposition of thanks for the sacrifices Jesus Christ made for us. 

Thanks to the tradition of Good Friday, we get to spend an entire day expressing our deepest gratitude to our Lord through prayers, blessings, and Bible readings on the day of his crucifixion. 

This is what Good Friday is all about — a day of remembrance, honor, gratitude, and love before Easter arrives.

To make the most of this opportunity to spiritually connect with our Lord and Savior, we’ve put together a timely list of prayers and warm words from the Bible.

What is Good Friday?

Good Friday is a holiday celebrated by Christians to honor the painful sacrifice our Lord Jesus Christ made when he accepted his fate of crucifixion. 

It is one of the most celebrated days on the Christian calendar, alongside Christmas and Ash Wednesday

As written in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Jesus ate with his disciples during the Last Supper and then spent that night in solemn prayer while others slept. 

Christ was promptly arrested in the morning and taken to Pontius Pilate in Rome, where Pontius determined Christ’s sentence of crucifixion. 

Then, Christ was brutally beaten and made to carry his own cross to Calvary, where nails were driven through his hands and feet so that he hung upon the cross for hours until his eventual death.

Jesus' hand grasping another, pinned to the cross
Good Friday Prayers

We understand in Christian doctrine that Jesus took to the cross as a symbolic sacrifice that accounts for the sin of all humankind. 

With this gracious act of self-sacrifice, he absolved us of all our sins. This act offers us all a gateway to the Kingdom of Heaven should we live our lives with the proper expression of Christian ideals and gratitude to Jesus Christ.

We celebrate Good Friday with the power of prayer in honor of this sacrifice.

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Good Friday prayers

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Considering the magnitude of our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, it is appropriate that we spend Good Friday, and indeed the holy week before Easter Sunday, performing daily prayers and devotional blessings. 

Here are a few examples of such Good Friday prayers from various sources.

The passion

This is a commonly recited prayer for Good Friday that focuses on what Jesus endured for us and why. 

“Jesus, our Lord and our God 

You gave your cheek to those who struck you, and for our sake, you endured much mockery. Grant that following the example of your sufferings, we may be courageous in bearing our own, and learn from you, for you are meek and lowly in heart; you now reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. 


It is finished

John 19:30 states, “When he had received the drink, Jesus said, ‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” These are believed to be the last words of Jesus Christ, and this prayer is in remembrance of those words. 

“O Lord

On this Good Friday, let us remember your eternal words, which served to free us from the clutches of sin: ‘it is finished.’ With this sentiment, you relinquished our earthly fears of life and death, and we humbly reflect on your bravery and pray to live in accordance with the Holy Spirit, which God has placed within you. We live each day with blissful gratitude for your sacrifices.



We celebrate Easter Sunday to commemorate the day Jesus was resurrected after his crucifixion. This prayer focuses on that event. 

A tomb in Jerusalem representing the place of Jesus' resurrection

“Son of God,

By your breaking of the bonds of death in your resurrection, you joined The Kingdom of Heaven with the Earth. Without your sacrifice, we would not be able to ascend to the place of eternal happiness. You restored our faith, you washed our sins, and you gave us back our innocence. Mercifully, we ask that you grant us that same triumph over death with our delighted service to you and the Heavenly Father.


The lost

Not everyone understands the truly magnificent nature of the Lord’s sacrifice. It is written as such in Acts 26:18

For those people, we dedicate this prayer so that they too may experience eternal life. 

“Almighty God,

We pray for the lost in this world who cannot see with clear eyes the sacrifices your only son has made for us. We pray that you offer them the power of the Holy Spirit so that they turn away from darkness, turn away from sin, and turn away from Satanic influence in Jesus’ name. Allow them to see that it was the Lord’s death and resurrection that saved them, and see to it that they can be saved.


Bible verses to read on Good Friday

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Beyond the prayers and blessings that you will share with the church, your family, and your community, it is wise to learn as much as you can about the stories and meaning behind Good Friday and Easter Sunday from the Bible. 

Below is a list of timely Bible verses that speak of such topics as the foot of the cross, everlasting life, intercession, Holy Saturday, and more. 

A Christian Easter

Among the joy, dyed eggs, colorful stories, and innocent delight of Easter, we must also remember why we celebrate it in the first place.

It is our humble duty as Christians to live with grateful reverence for the selfless acts of Jesus Christ. It was for us that he gave his life. It is because of him that we will experience the Kingdom of Heaven.

During Good Friday, we encourage you to rediscover your Christianity. Attend your church’s sermons, read the relevant stories in the Bible, and enjoy the calm grace of silent prayer. 

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