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The Spirit of Jezebel

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Jezebel is one of the few women spoken about at length in the Bible. She was a wicked woman. 

Jezebel claimed to be a prophetess. She turned her back on the Lord and chose to worship false idols instead. Being a queen over the cities of Tyre and Sidon alongside her king, Ahab, she was able to persuade others under her rule to do the same.

After Jezebel’s death, the stain of her sinister ways lives on in the Jezebel Spirit. This is a demonic and evil spirit sent to the children of God to lead them away from our Lord and Savior. This spirit attacks both those who are weak in their faith and those who are firm in their beliefs.

In this article, we will learn who Jezebel was, as well as what the Jezebel Spirit is and how you can keep yourself and others protected from it.

Who was Jezebel?

Jezebel was the daughter of Ethbaal, the king and ruler of the cities Tyre and Sidon. Ethbaal was also the priest of the cult of Baal, a false god who was worshiped in Israel. The worship of Baal involved lewd acts as well as sexual degradation.

Jezebel was married to the king of Israel, Ahab. Under his reign, his nation worshiped Baal. He followed in the sins of Jeroboam, the son of Nebat. 

The sinister King Ahab is referred to in the Bible verse 1 Kings 16:30 as doing, “more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him.

Jezebel was a very manipulative woman. She is known in the Christian faith for leading saints into sins of sexual immorality and the sin of worshiping false idols. She used her seductive ways to accomplish her goals.

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Jezebel in the Bible

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Jezebel was an attending member of the church at Thyatira, and she claimed herself as a prophetess in the New Testament.

She is spoken of in Revelations 2:20-23 by Jesus in his letter to the church in Thyatira. 

“But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality. Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am he who searches mind and heart, and I will give to each of you as your works deserve.” 

In the Bible, Jezebel is portrayed as manipulative, seductive, and controlling. She used her cunning ways to work behind her husband's back to obtain whatever she desired, and what she wanted most was control.

Jezebel's reign of destruction included influencing God's chosen children to worship false gods, as well as putting God's prophets to death.

The god she worshiped above all others was Baal. Known as “Lord of the Covenant,” Baal was believed to control storms and rain. 

A horrifying example of Jezebel's influence and power is when she ordered others commit murder.

When Jezebel learned Naboth would not sell his land to her husband, King Ahab, she retaliated. She used the power of her husband and sent letters to the leaders of the city Naboth lived in. She ordered the citizens to stone Naboth to death for cursing the king and God. The men of the city carried out her orders. Once word reached her that Naboth was dead, her husband took possession of Naboth's vineyard.

What is The Jezebel Spirit?

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There is a difference between Jezebel in the Bible and the Jezebel spirit. While they both share the name Jezebel, they are two very different things.

While the Bible does mention Jezebel at length, the scripture makes no reference to the Jezebel spirit. However, the Jezebel spirit is known in Christian lore. While the spirit has been described mostly to influence women, it can influence men as well.

If a person is deemed a Jezebel in Christianity, it’s implied that they are a pagan or even an apostate in lamb's clothing, falsely representing a servant of God. The modern-day use of the word Jezebel outside of religion is the association of a woman with promiscuity. A lesser-known meaning is a man or a woman who preaches false doctrine.

The spirit of Jezebel is alive in the body of Christ today. It is believed every time Satan wants to take down a man or woman of God, he sends two of his most powerful spirits. These are Jezebel and the Antichrist. In particular, the Jezebel spirit eliminates generals of God, apostles, and prophets.

However, the spirit of Jezebel does not solely attack individuals. It preys upon families, the ministry, marriages, and even the church.

How to live free from the spirit of Jezebel

Don't let the influence of the Jezebel spirit move you from the path God has laid out. The demonic spirit will try to control you and lead you away from living a righteous life with our Lord Jesus Christ. The devil will take aim at your soul using spiritual warfare by infiltrating your life inside and outside the church.

Keep yourself in the presence of others who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, and have aligned their morals with those of the Christian faith. The power of the Holy Spirit will protect your soul.

Remember the story of Gideon in Judges 6. God used Gideon as His hand to bring His guidance back to the children of Israel. Gideon accomplished this task with an army of only 300 men, despite the fact 22,000 were willing to fight under the military leader. However, under God's word and leadership, it only took Gideon's 300 to bring back order to the country of Israel.

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How to break free of the spirit of Jezebel

If you find yourself straying from God's original plan, you may be under the influence of the Jezebel spirit. You must break free. 

The spirit of Jezebel is relentless, as it is sent from Satan. The devil wants nothing more than to destroy God's children. The spirit of Jezebel will not release your soul easily after you have found yourself under evil's influence. You must repent your sins and pray for God's help.

You may see the influence of the Jezebel spirit in others around you as well. It’s a very intelligent evil spirit and engages in head games with its targeted victims. These victims will likely be unaware that they are under its influence and operating as a tool of Satan. You need to pray for their soul and for God to expose them to the evil that is infecting them.

You must have faith in the Lord that He will show them the truth. Only then will the person whose soul is under attack ask for spiritual discernment and receive full deliverance.

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Protecting your soul

Queen Jezebel would use her seduction to compromise the morals of others, including the men and women who followed the one true God. The Jezebel spirit works similarly, attacking those who have faith in the Holy Spirit.

As Christians, we must guard ourselves against Satan and his spiritual warfare on our souls. Outside evil forces must not influence us. Keep yourself surrounded by those who share your faith as well as read the Bible. The word of God will help you remain in God's protective light.

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